
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Geller 1: Round 1

Ok, Tracie...ready for house two?

Tracie: They're not witches too, are they?

No, these guys are all human. This is the Geller family. Amy's a single mom, and she's got three kids; a son named Spencer and twin girls named Jordan and Mackenzie.

Tracie: Man...

Yeah, things aren't going that great for these guys right now. Ready to see if we can go help them out?

Tracie: I guess.

Tracie: Hi, Amy!

Amy: Huh? Who was that? Who's there?

Tracie: I'm Tracie, the...neighborhood guardian?

Amy: The realtor didn't say anything about a neighborhood guardian...

Tracie: So, are you guys camping out until your furniture arrives?

Amy: You're looking at our furniture...wait, can you see?

Tracie: Yeah, I can. So all you have are sleeping bags?

Amy: A sleeping bag. And no, we do have a couch...and the girls have cribs. Spencer and I alternate the sleeping bag and the couch. And of course we have a fridge and stove...not that we have much food to put in it.

Tracie: (Man, mysterious voice, you weren't kidding.)

(I know.)

Tracie: (Which baby is this?)

(That's Mackenzie. Jordan has her hair down. That's the only way to tell them apart.)

Tracie: Great, you got a job!

Amy: Yes, but unfortunately most of my pay is going to have to go to paying a sitter. Spencer's in school all day, and even if he wasn't he's not old enough to watch the girls for that long.

Tracie: Where is Spencer?

Amy: I sent him down to the playground.

Tracie: (I don't think I'll ever get used to zipping around after people like this...) Hi, Spencer!

Spencer: Huh? Oh, hi creepy lady.

Tracie: What are you doing down here?

Spencer: Playing in the sand. I thought there would be some other kids here I could make friends with, but I'm the only one here.

Spencer: Mackenzie! Stop waking me up!

Tracie: What's that weird doll she's holding?

I'm not sure where they got those.

Tracie: I thought you knew when we got anything...

Not in this world I don't.

Tracie: Another festival?

Yeah, this is kind of a thing around here.

Tracie: So when are you all going to the festival?

Amy: You're kidding, right? Spencer can go on his own if he wants, but I don't have time. I have a book I need to read for work, and I'm not paying a sitter when I'm not at work. I can't even take the girls with me-I can only carry one at a time.

Spencer: Peek-a-boo!

Tracie:'re playing with your sister?

Spencer: Yeah...

Tracie: (They can do that?)

(Yeah...he can give her a bottle, too. It's kind of nice.)

Tracie: (I need to start working with Jesse...)

Tracie: Ahh! Spencer, is that you?

Spencer: Uh-huh! How do you like my Spooky Day costume?

Tracie: It's...great! (What's Spooky Day?)

(It's a celebration of...well, it's a day to's a day when kids dress up in costumes and other people give them candy.)

Tracie: What an...interesting concept for a holiday. 

Tracie: Is this really what this festival is about? Fishing?

Spencer: No, but I wanted to catch some fish to make some money.

Tracie: How nice that you want to help out your mom.

Spencer: Yeah, but I really want a bed, too.

(Looks like Spencer is finally making his first friend...)

Tracie: (Who's that?)

(That's Chloe Simpson. We'll be going to her house too.)

Spencer: Where's your costume?

Chloe: I didn't want to get it dirty during the pie eating contest. Want to do it with me and my sister?

Spencer: Sure!

Tracie: (Aww, Chloe's sister is cute too. Can we go to them next?)


Amy: Finally!

Tracie: What? 

Amy: I finally learned some charisma.

Tracie: (I guess these guys don't have that special bookshelf, huh?)

(No...believe me if I could have packed it and brought it along I would have.)

(Looks like that first charisma point was all Amy needed.)

Amy: Finally! Things are starting to go right around here...

...or not...

Amy: Great! Now we're going to be eating cereal and canned soup for a week until I earn enough to buy another stove.

Tracie: But...the fireman came and put it out. The stove didn't burn to ash...

(Doesn't matter. Here, once something catches fire it's gone.)

(Well, at least we get to leave on a somewhat positive note. Mackenzie's walking.)

Tracie: (Leave? It can't be time to leave yet. The girls are still toddlers, and Spencer's still a child. Shouldn't somebody have had a birthday?)

(These guys grow up slower than you guys do. It's winter now; time to move to the next house.)

Tracie: (Can we go see Spencer's friend Chloe now?)

(I guess so. On to the Simpson house.)

A Message from the Mysterious Voice: I think I'm kind of getting the hang of this. I finally managed to get AwesomeMod configured the way I need it to be. I'm not sure how the girls got Imaginary Friend dolls, but I'm kind of glad they did because those were the only toys they had. This lot really reminded me just how much slower everything is in TS3 compared to TS2. Granted, I have my game set to a longer lifespan but even things like reading, skilling, and teaching toddlers to walk seems to take much longer here.


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