
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Matthews 1: Round 1

Ok, Tracie...ready for the last house of the round?

Tracie: Already?

Yup, time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it?

Tracie: So who do we have in this house?

Well, let's see...we have Samuel Matthews, his son Scott, and daughter in law Krista.

Tracie: Wow, Krista really...stands out, doesn't she?

You haven't seen anything yet...

Tracie: ...Are those wings?

(Yes. Krista's a fairy.)

Tracie: (Fairies have to cook?)

(The ones with human family members do...)

Tracie: What are you doing there, Scott?

Scott: Huh? Who said that?

Tracie: I'm Tracie, the new neighborhood guardian...

Scott: Oh, yeah...I heard some people talking about you last spring at the festival. 

Tracie: So what are you doing?

Scott: Oh, I just found these scraps of metal at the dump...I'm trying to invent something with them. That's my dream, to be a great inventor. 

Krista: I got some new sheet music today...really great stuff. 

Scott: I'm sure you'll be a star in no time, babe.

Krista: I don't know...a fairy making it as a singer? 

Scott: Hey, don't let my dad get to you. He just takes some time to get used to things that are different...

(Speaking of Samuel...)

Samuel: Some people have sons that become great doctors or CEO' son sticks scraps of metal together...

Scott: You'll see one day, Dad...

Samuel: So who's going to pay you for this inventing? Tinkerbell isn't exactly raking it in over there either you know...

Scott: In fact, I'm heading downtown this afternoon to register with the city...

Samuel: Don't forget to get dressed before you do.

Tracie: So, what does that do for him exactly?

(Well, it gives him some levels to work up...and he'll get a weekly stipend now.)

Scott: Ooh, this is great...what's that over there? That would be perfect for...

Tracie: Hey Scott, I don't mean to sound like your father this really going to make enough money?

Scott: Well, sure, things will be tough at first. But it'll be worth it once I can make a living doing what I love. And once spring comes again and Krista can start gardening, we won't have to worry as much about food. 

Tracie: Is Krista a good gardener?

Scott: Oh, sure. All fairies are. 

Samuel: Listen, Pixie Dust...I don't know how things work back in Happy Fairy Fun-Land or wherever it is you're from, but around here we have to work for a living. So I'd suggest you either fold in those freaky wings and get a job, or get out of here and stop corrupting my son.

Krista: Samuel, being an inventor has always been Scott's dream...even before he met me.

Samuel: Ha! The kid used a stack of blocks to knock down a cereal box and all of a sudden he's an inventor...

(Looks like Krista won't be working for awhile anyway...)

Tracie: (Wait...this is the first baby we've seen born, isn't it?)

(It sure is...)

Tracie: Oh, my gosh...

(Don't worry, Krista will put him out...)

Tracie: (You know, I really want to encourage these guys to follow their dreams but...this just isn't going very well.)

Tracie: I know that look...Krista's in labor.

(Yup, we'd better get her to the hospital...)

Tracie: Yeah, lets...wait, hospital?

Tracie: You mean these guys leave the house even when they're in labor?

Well, they don't exactly have to...but I think they're more comfortable this way.

(Looks like it's a girl...)

Tracie: (Do these guys have name themes like we do?)

(Only time will tell...but names like Lily sure do fit with Krista's gardening talent, though.)

Well, heavy sleeper should be helpful in a baby...

Tracie: Whoa! You'll never lose her in a is she that color? Her mom's purple, not pink...

(Sometimes fairy skintones can be weird like that...)

Samuel: Well, it's a good thing it wasn't a boy...what'd you call her again?

Krista: Lily...

Samuel: I knew you'd give it some kind of hippy name...

Krista: It's the name of a flower.

Samuel: You keep talking about how much you like growing stuff but I have yet to see you plant anything.

Krista: Well, it would be pretty pointless right now with winter on its way...

Samuel: Always the excuses with you...

Krista: Don't you listen to're a very pretty baby girl...

Tracie: Is she a fairy too? Where are her wings?

Krista: I don't think so...I think she just got her skin from me. It doesn't really matter, though...wings or no wings she's going to have a tough time fitting in.

Tracie: Looks like you're finally getting to work in a garden...

Krista: Not my own, though. I'm just picking some pumpkins at the festival. I was thinking once my cooking skill is high enough I can make them into pies...and I want to carve one before the costume party I'm going to tonight.

Tracie: Costume party?

Krista: Check it out!

Tracie: So you're going as a diver...

Krista: Yup!

Tracie: Couldn't you just go as...a fairy?

Krista: Where's the fun in that? 

(Looks like the costumes are water themed...)

Krista: Oh, the baby is doing great. Maybe she'll be in school with your girls.

Amy: Oh, I hope so. I'm getting a little concerned that the twins never interact with other toddlers...but I can't carry both of them anywhere.

Krista: Maybe once Lily ages up I'll bring her by...

Amy: Oh...hi Samuel...

Tracie: (Why is he here?)

(I guess Amy must have invited the entire family...)

Amy: So, Samuel...what are you dressed as?

Samuel: An army general. You know, something that actually exists? 

(Man, this is shaping up to be a fun party...)

Tracie: (Where's Scott?)

(He must be back home on baby duty...)

(And trick-or-treat duty, too...)

Scott: What a cute little superhero...

Scott: And another cute little superhero...

Cole: Riley from down the street didn't get here yet, right? We're racing.

Scott: Um...I don't think so.

Cole: All right!

Scott: What a cute little super...huh? You're not dressed as a superhero.

Aquamarine: Nope. I'm a fairy.

(See, I told Krista...)

Tracie: Wait, who is that?

(That's Aquamarine-her family lives in town. We just don't visit them.)

Tracie: So is this like Scott becoming an inventor?

(Kind of...but with less risk of setting yourself on fire.)

(She has to have a stage name?)

Tracie: (You didn't know that already?)

(She's the first singer I've seen...)

Tracie: (You're not going to let her stage name be Starless Fresh, are you?)

(Can you think of anything better?)

Tracie: (No...)

(Neither can I. Why do you think I call myself "Mysterious Voice?" I'm not good at coming up with creative titles...)

Tracie: She's not bad, actually...better than a lot of people back home sound on karaoke...

Tracie: On baby duty again?

Scott: I don't mind. I want to see Krista chase her dreams too. And my dream just so happens to keep me in the house.

Tracie: How's the inventing going?

Scott: I ran out of scrap metal. I need to head back down to the junkyard once Krista gets home.

Tracie: Well at least Krista's finding an audience. 

(Yup...and was that a snowflake I just saw?)

Tracie: Does that mean...

(It sure does. Congratulations on completing your first round as a neighborhood guardian!)

Tracie: (Hey mysterious voice...)


Tracie: (Do you think I could bring a friend with me for the next round?)

(...Um, sure, I guess. Who were you thinking about bringing?)

Tracie: (Oh, I have some ideas...)

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: We did it! Round one is over. And since there is no university (yet...) that means we jump right into round two. When I created this family I wasn't planning on having Krista become a singer, but I took advantage of the insane sale prices on Origin over the weekend (as well as the newly launched Origin for Macs) to pick up Showtime and I wanted to try it out. I'm reserving final judgement on Showtime until I see more of it in action, but so far I think I was right to wait until it was on sale for $10 before getting it...very underwhelming after how awesome Seasons was.


snarkysims said...

Congrats on completing Round 1! You were wise to wait on Showtime. It's my least favorite EP.

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