
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Matthews 1: Round 1

Ok, Tracie...ready for the last house of the round?

Tracie: Already?

Yup, time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it?

Tracie: So who do we have in this house?

Well, let's see...we have Samuel Matthews, his son Scott, and daughter in law Krista.

Tracie: Wow, Krista really...stands out, doesn't she?

You haven't seen anything yet...

Tracie: ...Are those wings?

(Yes. Krista's a fairy.)

Tracie: (Fairies have to cook?)

(The ones with human family members do...)

Tracie: What are you doing there, Scott?

Scott: Huh? Who said that?

Tracie: I'm Tracie, the new neighborhood guardian...

Scott: Oh, yeah...I heard some people talking about you last spring at the festival. 

Tracie: So what are you doing?

Scott: Oh, I just found these scraps of metal at the dump...I'm trying to invent something with them. That's my dream, to be a great inventor. 

Krista: I got some new sheet music today...really great stuff. 

Scott: I'm sure you'll be a star in no time, babe.

Krista: I don't know...a fairy making it as a singer? 

Scott: Hey, don't let my dad get to you. He just takes some time to get used to things that are different...

(Speaking of Samuel...)

Samuel: Some people have sons that become great doctors or CEO' son sticks scraps of metal together...

Scott: You'll see one day, Dad...

Samuel: So who's going to pay you for this inventing? Tinkerbell isn't exactly raking it in over there either you know...

Scott: In fact, I'm heading downtown this afternoon to register with the city...

Samuel: Don't forget to get dressed before you do.

Tracie: So, what does that do for him exactly?

(Well, it gives him some levels to work up...and he'll get a weekly stipend now.)

Scott: Ooh, this is great...what's that over there? That would be perfect for...

Tracie: Hey Scott, I don't mean to sound like your father this really going to make enough money?

Scott: Well, sure, things will be tough at first. But it'll be worth it once I can make a living doing what I love. And once spring comes again and Krista can start gardening, we won't have to worry as much about food. 

Tracie: Is Krista a good gardener?

Scott: Oh, sure. All fairies are. 

Samuel: Listen, Pixie Dust...I don't know how things work back in Happy Fairy Fun-Land or wherever it is you're from, but around here we have to work for a living. So I'd suggest you either fold in those freaky wings and get a job, or get out of here and stop corrupting my son.

Krista: Samuel, being an inventor has always been Scott's dream...even before he met me.

Samuel: Ha! The kid used a stack of blocks to knock down a cereal box and all of a sudden he's an inventor...

(Looks like Krista won't be working for awhile anyway...)

Tracie: (Wait...this is the first baby we've seen born, isn't it?)

(It sure is...)

Tracie: Oh, my gosh...

(Don't worry, Krista will put him out...)

Tracie: (You know, I really want to encourage these guys to follow their dreams but...this just isn't going very well.)

Tracie: I know that look...Krista's in labor.

(Yup, we'd better get her to the hospital...)

Tracie: Yeah, lets...wait, hospital?

Tracie: You mean these guys leave the house even when they're in labor?

Well, they don't exactly have to...but I think they're more comfortable this way.

(Looks like it's a girl...)

Tracie: (Do these guys have name themes like we do?)

(Only time will tell...but names like Lily sure do fit with Krista's gardening talent, though.)

Well, heavy sleeper should be helpful in a baby...

Tracie: Whoa! You'll never lose her in a is she that color? Her mom's purple, not pink...

(Sometimes fairy skintones can be weird like that...)

Samuel: Well, it's a good thing it wasn't a boy...what'd you call her again?

Krista: Lily...

Samuel: I knew you'd give it some kind of hippy name...

Krista: It's the name of a flower.

Samuel: You keep talking about how much you like growing stuff but I have yet to see you plant anything.

Krista: Well, it would be pretty pointless right now with winter on its way...

Samuel: Always the excuses with you...

Krista: Don't you listen to're a very pretty baby girl...

Tracie: Is she a fairy too? Where are her wings?

Krista: I don't think so...I think she just got her skin from me. It doesn't really matter, though...wings or no wings she's going to have a tough time fitting in.

Tracie: Looks like you're finally getting to work in a garden...

Krista: Not my own, though. I'm just picking some pumpkins at the festival. I was thinking once my cooking skill is high enough I can make them into pies...and I want to carve one before the costume party I'm going to tonight.

Tracie: Costume party?

Krista: Check it out!

Tracie: So you're going as a diver...

Krista: Yup!

Tracie: Couldn't you just go as...a fairy?

Krista: Where's the fun in that? 

(Looks like the costumes are water themed...)

Krista: Oh, the baby is doing great. Maybe she'll be in school with your girls.

Amy: Oh, I hope so. I'm getting a little concerned that the twins never interact with other toddlers...but I can't carry both of them anywhere.

Krista: Maybe once Lily ages up I'll bring her by...

Amy: Oh...hi Samuel...

Tracie: (Why is he here?)

(I guess Amy must have invited the entire family...)

Amy: So, Samuel...what are you dressed as?

Samuel: An army general. You know, something that actually exists? 

(Man, this is shaping up to be a fun party...)

Tracie: (Where's Scott?)

(He must be back home on baby duty...)

(And trick-or-treat duty, too...)

Scott: What a cute little superhero...

Scott: And another cute little superhero...

Cole: Riley from down the street didn't get here yet, right? We're racing.

Scott: Um...I don't think so.

Cole: All right!

Scott: What a cute little super...huh? You're not dressed as a superhero.

Aquamarine: Nope. I'm a fairy.

(See, I told Krista...)

Tracie: Wait, who is that?

(That's Aquamarine-her family lives in town. We just don't visit them.)

Tracie: So is this like Scott becoming an inventor?

(Kind of...but with less risk of setting yourself on fire.)

(She has to have a stage name?)

Tracie: (You didn't know that already?)

(She's the first singer I've seen...)

Tracie: (You're not going to let her stage name be Starless Fresh, are you?)

(Can you think of anything better?)

Tracie: (No...)

(Neither can I. Why do you think I call myself "Mysterious Voice?" I'm not good at coming up with creative titles...)

Tracie: She's not bad, actually...better than a lot of people back home sound on karaoke...

Tracie: On baby duty again?

Scott: I don't mind. I want to see Krista chase her dreams too. And my dream just so happens to keep me in the house.

Tracie: How's the inventing going?

Scott: I ran out of scrap metal. I need to head back down to the junkyard once Krista gets home.

Tracie: Well at least Krista's finding an audience. 

(Yup...and was that a snowflake I just saw?)

Tracie: Does that mean...

(It sure does. Congratulations on completing your first round as a neighborhood guardian!)

Tracie: (Hey mysterious voice...)


Tracie: (Do you think I could bring a friend with me for the next round?)

(...Um, sure, I guess. Who were you thinking about bringing?)

Tracie: (Oh, I have some ideas...)

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: We did it! Round one is over. And since there is no university (yet...) that means we jump right into round two. When I created this family I wasn't planning on having Krista become a singer, but I took advantage of the insane sale prices on Origin over the weekend (as well as the newly launched Origin for Macs) to pick up Showtime and I wanted to try it out. I'm reserving final judgement on Showtime until I see more of it in action, but so far I think I was right to wait until it was on sale for $10 before getting it...very underwhelming after how awesome Seasons was.

Greene 1: Round 1

Ready to start another summer, Tracie?

Tracie: Hard to believe we've gone through all four seasons already...I don't even feel any older.

Yeah, being a disembodied voice is weird like that. 

Tracie: Who's our next family?

Let's up is the Greene family. There's the parents, David and Tabitha, and their two kids Leah and Cole.

Tracie: Wow...that's so normal...

Well, that's what David likes to believe anyway...

Leah: Mom, I'm hungry. Is breakfast ready yet?

Tabitha: Not yet...a few more minutes.

Tracie: These guys don't seem to be doing so bad...

Cole: Mom? I just heard a strange voice.

Tabitha: Don't worry about it, honey...she won't be around long.

David: So, we're just supposed to ignore this voice?

Tabitha: Yes, David...

David: How many things am I supposed to ignore here?

Leah: What are you talking about, Daddy?

David: Nothing...finish your breakfast.

Tracie: (What is he talking about?)

(Oh, you'll see...)

Tracie: I hope they're not over-scheduling him...

(I wouldn't worry about it with Cole...)

Tracie: Huh...that sounds interesting...

Wait until her first day tomorrow...

Tracie: So, did these guys just move here too?

Yeah, they haven't been here long. 

Tracie: Did they get hit by the earthquake?


Tracie: Then why did they move?

David thought a change of scenery might be good for all of them...

Tabitha: Hi, there! I'm Tabitha Greene. I'm new in town and starting up an interior design business. I was wondering if you...

Amy: Honey, I'll tell you what...when I get some furniture in my house you can come and re-arrange it all you want to.

Tracie: was your first day of scouting?

Cole: Piece of cake. I'll be at the top level before you know it.

Rose: You must be the new doctor...

David: Well, I'm not much of a doctor yet, but...

Rose: You got anything for headaches? My daughter has this bird...

Tracie: Wait...what's this? I thought she would just go to work...

Nope...we get to go with her.

Tracie: How did I not see this coming?

Tracie: ...Wait, what's laundry?

Don't worry about it-it's really not necessary for you to know what laundry is. I don't even like that I know what laundry is.

Tracie: Laundry must be expensive...

Trust me, she'll have much less to work with when she actually gets there...

Looks like David is working late today...

Tracie: So you do the potion mixing stuff too, huh?

Tabitha: Yeah it kind of comes with the territory...

Tracie: What territory...wait a minute...

Tracie: You're a witch too?

Tabitha: Shh! David will be home soon...

Tracie: Don't tell me he doesn't know...

Tabitha: Oh, he knows...but he wishes he didn't. He made me promise to give it up when we moved here. 

Tracie: Is that...why you moved here?

Tabitha: Yes...he was mortified when the neighbors found out. He said he was doing it for the protect them. I don't know what he'll do if they start showing signs of it when they get older. Being magical is genetic, so there's a 50/50 chance.

Tracie: Don't you know by now? They're not exactly babies...

Tabitha: Most of the powers are latent until the teenage years.

Cole: Mom, I saw you doing witch stuff through the window...

Tabitha: I know, honey...

Cole: You promised Dad.

Tabitha: It's complicated, honey. You'll understand when you're older...

Looks like things are going well for David at work...

Tracie: Wait...they're at the beach?

Or the photo booth at the festival...Leisure Day must be here again...

Leah: Daddy, it's starting to rain...can Mommy use her magic to make it stop?

David: Shh! No, Leah. Come on, we're going home...hopefully nobody heard you say that.

Tracie: You know, David...your wife isn't the only one...

David: And let's hope that stupid voice stops following us!

Tracie: Man, this Marley Williams must really like Tabitha's work...

Hey, check it out...a rainbow.

Tracie: So? There's a rainbow over our town all the time.

Yes, but here rainbows are actually related to rain...

Marley: Ha, did it again. I swear, Tabitha...if I didn't know any better I'd say you were using some kind of witchcraft...

Tabitha: ...Witchcraft...ha...

Tracie: (How'd she get promoted? She's not at work.)

Tabitha: I heard that.

Tracie:, um...where's David? Isn't he going to congratulate you?

Tabitha: He's outside with the telescope working on his logic skill.

David: What the...

Tracie: What's going on?

(It looks like David's wish for a normal life isn't going to come true anytime soon...)

Tracie: We don't have to leave right now, do we?

Well...we can hang out until he gets back, I guess.

Ahh, there they are...

(See, there he and sound.)

Tracie: Does this mean he' know...

Well, in your world it would...but in this one I'm not sure. We're going to have to keep an eye on him next time we're here, though.

Tracie: Man, why does everything always happen right when we have to leave?

Don't worry, we only have one more house to go before we get to start a new round.

A Message From the Mysterious Voice: Is it just me, or are aliens in TS3 very...common? We've gone through 5 lots so far, and I think an alien as made an appearance on 4 of them in one form or another. I don't think David is pregnant (it is not a sure thing like it was in TS2) but hopefully being abducted will change his attitude about his wife's witchcraft. As for whether Leah and Cole inherited their mother's'll just have to wait and see.